Road safety is paramount on major arterial highways and motorways. Using audio-tactile delineation is a proven method to upkeep road safety and provide drivers with an easily recognisable safety alert.

If you are a road maintenance manager or asset engineer, consider using audio-tactile delineation in your next budget. RETEX Pavement Services can offer you practical pavement solutions in addition to user education and other road safety initiatives you may be undertaking.

Long-life audio-tactile grooving or cutting involves profiling into the road surface with a specialised machine, providing drivers with audio-tactile line delineation and helping to prevent vehicle accidents involving lane excursions. This option not only affords longevity but also ensures your road safety measures are reliable, effective, and, most importantly, saving lives.





RETEX prides itself on delivering the best in customer service, productivity, modern equipment, and safe working practices.

The OzRumble, Australia’s largest self-propelled audio-tactile cut machine, creates a shallow profile into the pavement surface. These profile strips are cut at a controlled width, depth, and spacing to provide consistent treatment to the surface.

The OzRumble provides significant and practical life cost benefits, including no ongoing maintenance costs and service life equal to the pavement. Operated in tandem with waste recovery mechanisms, all waste material is picked up upon installation, saving traffic and labour costs.

The audio-tactile cutting can also be performed during wet weather, meaning less downtime onsite due to inclement weather.



To discuss future requirements or book an appointment with one of our team, don't hesitate
to contact us today and find out more about our wide range of road audio tactile rumble cut services.

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